"but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. against such things there is no law."
galatians5//22-23 |
Tuesday, January 31, 2006 |
s'apaiser |
s'apaiser :: to calm down
monday, 30th january 2006 woke up feeling less crap than usual, which is good. nose was still a bit stuffy, though. bummed in sydney pretty much (and watched daniel be a rude little boy) until it was time to go. then got on coach to canberra! can’t believe i was so happy to be coming home. i really am too attached to this place. gotta break myself of it…
realised at 4:45 (the coach was supposed to get there at 5) that we were gonna be late, and that nick was gonna pick me up at 5, so rang him and apologised. And felt really bad, even though technically it wasn’t my fault. then arrived at jolimont centre. And we drove home. I checked email for the first time in 10 days. iiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnterneeeetttt… and checked (almost) everyone’s blogs. so lost in nay’s tagboard now… *shrugs*
then went to dinner with the yf-ers. I’m not gonna bother naming you all cos nay’s already done that. but was fun. i love going out with you guys, cos it’s like a family dinner, only i get what’s going on. and without the cousins. *sad* there’s always multiple convos going on at the same time. and sometimes you get really lost. like me and lynn were. was sick. so kept coughing. i apologise if i’ve passed on cold to anyone. probably should’ve have had those chillies. but they were so yummy! hehe ling force-feeding tim food was funny. that boy really doesn’t eat enough. got paid out because of my top… i maintain that it’s amusing and i really don’t plan to run over anyone with a tractor, although if you annoy me, watch out. it might just be you going “aaaaaaaagh!” :P
came home with nick, ann, lynn and tim. and we pretty much did nothing for the whole night. (although tim did go home at 11:30) we watched princess diaries II, though.
nick: *going on about how mia’s stupid and how nicholas is the best… vaguely* lynn: i think you’re falling for the guy, nick.
i went to sleep pretty early.. 1:30. ok, maybe not so early, but i got up in the morning!
tuesday, 31st January 2006 first things first, everyone who remembers robbie chan from church, wish him a happy birthday!
ok… woke up at 7:15 with alarm bleeping in ear. i think i probably annoyed everyone with my inability to wake up when an alarm’s ringing. nay’s got firsthand experience, and i apologise specially to nick, ann and lynn for not turning my alarm off for the first 15 minutes. *blushes* i sleep like a log. obviously. nick slept in my room and lynn and I slept in the living room and ann didn’t sleep at all.
got dressed for school and had crappy breakfast without milk and soya milk instead (the asian version, not the australian tasteless stuff). everyone left the house at 8-ish, and i walked all the way to school (the full 45 minutes! aren’t you proud, nay?). saw alice in normal clothes in the morning near her house at about 8:15. *grumbles about people who can drive to school*
showing people around the school was fun-ish. i talked to mr harris. and i basically have to do nothing tomorrow for assembly! actually, i do nothing tomorrow for assembly. it’s fantastic. BUT for the commencement service (where we get our badges), i have to carry the cross in and read. which shouldn’t be too bad. they sent mum and dad a letter inviting them to the service. contemplating whether or not to burn it before they see it… hmmm…
i had a few good conversations. i extremely dislike (trying not to say hate so much, especially “i hate you” in whiny voice) having to start conversations with people and not knowing what to say. as delewa says “so… you’re new, eh?” :P
then came home, rather, walked home, got a shower which cooled hot and sweaty von down. then called tim and ann and lynn to come over. tim came over first and then we bummed. don’t really do much, but just be. being is good. and extremely relaxing. then lynn came over and we cooked lunch – wedges with cheese (heehee “wedgies”) and omelette (or rather, scrambled eggs) with cha siew bao as entrée. extremely yummy stuff. thanks guys :D
then got bored so went to the park and played truth or dare. extremely g-rated cos i think tim doesn’t want to know that much about us. :P “umm… have you ever been in a locker?” tim chickened out of his last dare. so we went home. don’t worry, tim, we won’t forget that you owe lynn a dare *cheerful smile*
then tim left cos he had to wash dishes and cook lasagne, but since the dishes aren’t done and lasagne doesn’t take that long to cook, i’m guessing he wanted to get away from two girls who enjoy making him doing embarrassing dares. (you asked for a dare, tim, you asked for it)
lynn and i bludged after that. lovely d&m about miscellaneous things. tim was our “nay” for today (:P), but it just wasn’t the same. :(
parents are coming home 3 hours earlier than expected. not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. but will be nice to see if daniel and dot have killed each other yet. but have to wait for dinner instead. and hopefully i can remember how to cook rice.
not looking forward to school tomorrow, but that’s how it always is, isn’t it?
i don’t say this enough, so: i love you guys. each of you means a lot to me and i’d hate to lose any one of you. |
posted by vonbon @ 6:58 pm  |
Friday, January 20, 2006 |
旅行する |
旅行する :: りょこうする :: to travel
since i'm going to sunny Queensland and leaving you all in Canberra for a week and a bit tomorrow, i figured i'd grace you with a last post. :P
nah... i don't really have much to say.
went to woden to get last minute stuff (yay for late night shopping!), or at least, mum and dot went to get last minute stuff, i just went and holed up in my favourite bookshop ever... ok, one of my favourite bookshops ever. WHSmith in civic, and paperchain in manuka being my others. i like all bookshops, just that there's nothing special special about them. just don't like the ones that don't stock the books that i want. then i get annoyed. i'm not as much of a bookworm as dionne, at least not anymore... *sad sniffle*
anyway... got a $3 notebook with pretty pink and orange paper. no lines too! which means i can write as small (or big) as i want. also got the lion, the witch and the wardrobe to read in the car. hopefully i can block out the noise of dot and dan fighting. not that i'm jinxing anything. i'm gonna pray like anything that they don't. really.
talking about praying... rads made up her mind about uni! yay! she's staying in sydney instead of going to adelaide. yay! so she's gonna be closer in case i decide to break down next year and no one else is here. which i seriously doubt, but... *shrugs* yay!
i've cleaned up my room and changed the sheets so it's all ready for nick! just have to fold up my sofa bed tomorrow morning. should be good. now all i have to do is write him a letter... *waits for moisturiser to absorb*
holiday should be good... i haven't been this long without internet for a long while, so shall see how i cope. :P nah... i'll be fine. it's good to get away. just hope that the quarelling in the car about whether dot puts her hand on dan's carseat (like today) doesn't get to us all. this shall be interesting - stuck in a car for 10 hours tomorrow. yayayaya... if i go crazy, you all know why. |
posted by vonbon @ 10:28 pm  |
Thursday, January 19, 2006 |
choquer |
choquer :: to shock
daniel (to dad): you are going down, big boy
daniel (to dad while dad's hanging him upside down): put me down, you silly man! me & mum: *shocked laughs* mum: (in cantonese... or was it english? :S) this one... treats us like equals... *daniel's pants fall down* everyone: *real laughs* daniel: *embarrased* arrrrgh! *rushes at dad headfirst* |
posted by vonbon @ 11:26 pm  |
einkaufen gehen |
einkaufen gehen :: to go shopping
went op-shop shopping with lynn today. found a cool skirt made out of this really, really cool material, you know the shimmery material that changes shades? but it was huge. so i didn't get it. :( because i'm a lazy bum and can't be stuffed altering it. but lynn did get a pair of black shoes. only $5! i think she's wearing them on Sunday, so all you people still left in canberra get to see them...
then it started drizzling, so we walked back to woden. and lynn got her free roast chicken salad from macca's and then we walked around a bit. and tried to see the hot guy from macca's again. i think he has orange highlights in his hair, but not so sure. went to socrates and... woolworths. but didn't find anything, although the invisible pens in socrates are pretty cool. and the music boxes which play christmas carols. i still like playing with the squishy head things, even though they're so not worth the $10. :P
then i got sushi cos lynn kept pestering me to eat, because apparently i eat too little. i do not think eating too little is a problem for me, lynn. i eat. just not as much as before. which is GOOD. my metabolism isn't actually that fast, so gotta eat less.
i think i really should think about studying now. oh well... plenty of time in the car to do that. and i still have to pack, and clean up the house so nick won't think we're total slobs. *sigh* vacuum time. i still have to put some of the stuff in my room away to make space for him. |
posted by vonbon @ 5:50 pm  |
Saturday, January 14, 2006 |
bouleverser |
bouleverser :: to overwhelm (bouleversé :: overwhelmed)
"i know you can be overwhelmed and you can be underwhelmed, but can you just be whelmed?"
"more than all i want, more than all i need, you are more than enough for me"
it's so easy to put into words, i just wish it was that easy for me to remember it day by day, minute by minute.
mannnn... don't you get those days where you just wish everything would go as you planned, not as God planned because it's just so much easier. Because your mind is so much simpler than God's and you don't know what's going to come out of what's happening to you. had a extremely weird dream. probably one of the weirder dreams i've had (including the weird marrying Mr Darcy dream). it was probably started (or at least helped on its way) by ling, tim and my conversation about love and romance late last night. (mental note: don't have serious conversations at night :P)
*sigh* i'm afraid this is one of my posts that don't make much sense to most people, and the people who it makes sense to don't want it to make sense to them. i apologise, i really do. (which, by the way is my most used phrase when playing UNO with yf, because if i say "sorry", i get to pick up two cards! yay!)
n.b. when i'm in a bad mood/upset/confused/worried (more than is usual)/all bad emotions, level and amount of sarcasm used shoots up.
"you say i'm a worry wart, a little girl"
"i know that you can hear me now. make all the pain just go away. stop all the tears from running down my face"
"i want to see that little boy, so over-protective, so grown up. i want to watch as he tugs the tiny, pigtailed girl away by the hand. to see him scold her, see as she pouts, and hear myself soothe the tears and fears away" |
posted by vonbon @ 10:48 pm  |
Wednesday, January 11, 2006 |
erwachsen werden |
erwachsen werden :: to grow up
today, daniel wants to go to the toilet, so dot brings him and puts his little potty seat over the toilet and waits for him to finish.
daniel: stop watching me! dot: i'm just waiting for you to finish daniel: you're looking at me. stop looking at me. it makes me feel self-conscious. dot: *gapes* |
posted by vonbon @ 9:14 pm  |
abandonner tout espoir |
abandonner tout espoir :: to give up all hope
don't you hate those days when you wake up and your hair just won't behave? yeah, today's one of those. my hair's equally flat and boofy. it's AWFUL. and i've already had a shower in hopes of taming it... :
wahhh... i'm such a girl... *sigh* maybe i should just cut it all off. so much easier to manage no hair. :P
just had piano lesson, which was good. really do have to get off my lazy butt and do something. like look at my flashcards. the german ones are still sitting in my bag, but i doubt i've looked through a quarter of them. and only 2 weeks of holidays left to go. less than that!
daniel didn't sleep til at least 2:30 last night, and instead of playing quietly decided to spill sugar all over the kitchen, so i was vacuuming last night before i went to sleep. in the end, i gave up and made him go to bed. and just as i was falling asleep, he decided that he needed to change into his pyjamas. ended up squinting in the dark and hoping that i was buttoning up the top right. and then he woke up earlier than either of us! i don't know how he does it! *sigh* little brothers...
all is well in the life of von... mostly |
posted by vonbon @ 3:33 pm  |
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 |
s'aimer |
[ If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. ]
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
~ 1 Corinthians 13
how good was the sermon yesterday?!
i think God was trying to tell me something... I mean, Pastor Nelson only really used one verse of it "[love] keeps no record of wrongs"... he could have used any other verse, and the reading could have been a whole lot shorter.
God (as the passage was being read): Hi... remember what I told you at Stump? Your name is love. That's who I want you to be. That's what I want you to be like. Make sure you do it.
God: "love always protects"... think about it.
don't you love it when the things God says make absolute sense, and you're not left trying to understand what exactly He means by it. It's an awesome feeling... a tad scary, but still overwhelmingly awesome. |
posted by vonbon @ 1:54 am  |
Saturday, January 07, 2006 |
acheter |
acheter :: to buy
went shopping today (again). yay! you'll be glad to know it wasn't clothes shopping (although dot had to pull me away from sportsgirl, but i wouldn't actually buy anything from there cos i'm too broke). big w's having a garnier sale... $2 off skin stuff, so i got a hand cream and a body lotion (yay!) and toner from priceline, but not priceline toner (is there such a thing as priceline toner?)... innoxa young solution, like my moisturiser, cos i was using mum's toner which is like anti-ageing and skin-reviving and it kinda scared me that i was using stuff that was supposed to make my skin look 10 years younger.
saw tim in woden. actually, saw johann in woden and he saw me and waved, (don't you love kids who know you and aren't shy (like me) and wave at you in public?) and went "tim! tim! tim!" and pointed at dot and i.
also went to koorong before lunch to get marion's prezzie. still have to get a card, but will do that tomorrow. hopefully. if i can scab enough money off mum for lunch. otherwise i'll make it. and wouldn't that be fun? i can just see the card falling apart. ah well, it's the thought that counts, isn't it?
when i have enough money, i wanna get lots of herbal teas, so i can drink hot drinks after 2pm and still be able to sleep on time. |
posted by vonbon @ 6:44 pm  |
Friday, January 06, 2006 |
pleuvoir |
pleuvoir :: to rain
Beauty queen of only eighteen She had some trouble with herself He was always there to help her She always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles And wound up at your door I've had you so many times but somehowI want more
I don't mind spending everyday Out on your corner in the pouring rain Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay awhile And she will be loved She will be loved
Tap on my window knock on my door I want to make you feel beautiful I know I tend to get so insecure It doesn't matter anymore
It's not always rainbows and butterflies It's compromise that moves us along My heart is full and my door's always open You can come anytime you want
I don't mind spending everyday Out on your corner in the pouring rain Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay awhile And she will be loved And she will be loved And she will be loved And she will be loved
I know where you hide Alone in your car Know all of the things that make you who you are I know that goodbye means nothing at all Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
Tap on my window knock on my door I want to make you feel beautiful
I don't mind spending everyday Out on your corner in the pouring rain Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay awhile And she will be loved And she will be loved And she will be loved And she will be loved |
posted by vonbon @ 9:24 pm  |
Thursday, January 05, 2006 |
se laver |
se laver :: to wash oneself
mmm... dad got us cucumber and green tea soap. and it smells really nice. somewhat familiar, but i can't place my finger on it.
dot and i got this book at woden yesterday. "staying healthy, naturally" we didn't really take a good look at it before we bought it, which might have been a mistake, but it uses a lot of essential oils and herbs and spices. should go to a health-food shop and get them... when i have the money, which would be never.
i finally took the pink off of my nails, and currently they're this odd yellowy colour. oh dear. i know i forgot something the first time i put it on - base coat. should be off before school starts. hopefully.
still can't believe they're making us start school a week before all the other schools instead of after. what happened to paying for holidays?! :P i guess this means that our holidays are gonna be all out of whack with every one else's except boys' grammar. |
posted by vonbon @ 2:59 pm  |
Wednesday, January 04, 2006 |
leurrer |
leurrer :: to delude
for those who don't know the story of jane eyre, jane's a poor orphan child, poor but exceptionally bright and clever. she's a governess and she's fallen in love with her employer, who she thinks is about to get engaged to this beautiful lady who's everything she's not. blah blah blah...
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte, chapter 22, pg 277
"One thing specially surprised me, and that was, there were no journeyings backward and forward, no visits to Ingram Park: to be sure it was twenty miles off, on the borders of another county; but what was that distance to an ardent lover? To so practised and indefatigable a horseman as Mr Rochester, it would be but a morning's ride. I began to cherish hopes I had no right to conceive: that one or both parties had changed their minds. I used to look at my master's face to see if it were sad or fierce; but I could not remember the time when it had been so uniformly clear of clouds or evil feelings. If, in the moments I and my pupil spent with him, I lacked spirits and sank into inevitable dejection, he became even gay. Never had he called me more frequently to his presence; never been kinder to me when there - and, alas! never had I loved him so well."
i had the end of this quote stuck in my head today, well not really, i just remembered a bit of it. you know when you vaguely remember something? and the more you try to remember it, the more it eludes you? yeah, that was me today. |
posted by vonbon @ 12:34 am  |
Tuesday, January 03, 2006 |
erzählen |
erzählen :: to report
tim has requested me to post a "real entry" to my blog, so here it goes... *thinks* mum woke me up, or rather, got me up from my lazy staring at the wall-ness, at 10, cos dad was sending her to work and someone needed to watch dan. so i got up, and there's my little brother with his eyes glued to the tv. then i washed up and had breakfast, and went on the net. about an hour after mum and dad left, daniel realises that they're gone. then he starts the usual "where's mum and dad?" "dad's gone to send mum to work" "but mum said that dad would be right back" *gives me disbelieving look* "dad! daaaaad! daaaadddddyyyyy!!!" dad comes home and we have lunch, and dad decides to take daniel to the pool (again), so i quickly make up my mind whether or not to go to ken li's house. and then we go to woden, deliver mum's lunch to her, and i hop out, wave a cheerful goodbye while trying not to get blown away by the wind, and proceed to the library to borrow yet another shakespeare play. go down to the bus stop, miss the bus, wait for the next one, start reading "the surgeon of crowthorne" for english, catch the bus to isaacs, walk to 25 alexander mackie cct, find ALL of them (with the exception of dionne who's reading yet another book) playing some game on the x-box. so for the next 4 hours or so, i sit on the floor or the couch, reading while watching them shoot each other and fanning myself with my fan. tim taught me how to open a fan one-handedly! except i can't open it with a snap like he does. *pouts* ah well. i'll get there. at about 6, we all piled into cars and drove to woden to queue up for the 6.40 showing of "the legend of zorro". it was pretty good. zorro's so much better than robin hood. cos he's spanish. and spanish men dressed in black are so much cooler than english men dressed in green tights. tim... cedric diggory... then i came home and ate. *nods* and discussed our QLD trip with mum and her need to have a house-sitter, and that she prefers my safety over propriety. (in other words, she'd rather have me stay at home alone with a guy, rather than home alone alone) and that was my boring day. i hope this bores you enough not to have you ask for more cos i don't think i can do more... |
posted by vonbon @ 10:20 pm  |
Monday, January 02, 2006 |
promettre |
promettre :: to promise (je te promis)
new year's resolutions
- try my best at school :: flashcards, study, the lot - i am so lazy, and will leave all study til the last minute, so i promise to study a loooong time beforehand and to do that nightly recap of all lessons that Heidi 先生 keeps telling us to do.
- exercise at least twice a week except maybe in testing week - i know, i know, nay, i should exercise more in testing week, so i'm not so stressed, but i seriously think i won't have time to do anything other than study then. i am such a lazy bum, that i know i have to make a resolution just so i will do it. and exercise comes hand in hand with eating well and being healthy all over, cos you'd feel bad if you exercised and then pigged out on chocolate.
- don't stop going to yf :: don't skip yf for school - yep, same resolution as last year. and i think i did it pretty well... don't remember a time when i skipped yf for school, although do remember studying at yf before testing week. *shrugs* at least i was there. better than the other option mum gave me - staying home from yf 'cos apparently we don't do that much at yf. meh
- don't do anything idiotic (don't make stupid decisions) :: especially with regards to guys - me acting on my instincts means that often i don't make the right decision, just what i want, which is bad.
- try my best to change chapel services, not altogether, just make them more interesting - at the moment, people are falling asleep in services and they don't know how things are relevant to them, i just want to show them that being a christian isn't about following rules, or about rituals, and bowing, and hymns, and candles... it's about a personal relationship with God, that's more fulfilling than any other you can have.
- stop being selfish and listen more than i talk - God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. and i think that when i'm stressed and need to talk to someone about something, i'm very me focused. and that's bad. and i really do need to work on just listening and not offering advice.
- read newspaper at least once a week - AST this year! argh!!! got to keep up with current news. mann...
- practice piano at least once a day - unless (of course) like lynn says... inconceivably impossible, ie. testing week... man... i'm stressing about testing week and the year hasn't even started.
- put 100% in everything - i tend to do things i don't want to do half-heartedly, and that's sooo not gonna work this year. and i tend to dawdle too. and grumble. and scowl.
- even when grumpy/tired/whatever, learn to put happy mask on to mostly everyone - some people i just can't pretend to... i.e. the people who read me like a book. but happy mask to everyone else... yay!
- do not miss any SC meetings or SCC practices (wake up extra early on Friday & Thursday mornings) - i make a commitment, i keep that commitment. *nods*
- make sure exoweek and house happen. that means pestering Mr Harris, Miss Just, Mrs Godfrey and SUIS - man... i hate pestering people. but i will make this happen. *resolute face*
- bake/cook/whatever for yf at least once a term (you know it makes you happy, even if only for a day) - the things i do for you guys...
- don't take advice/constructive criticism badly. don't take patronising personally - smiley face! :D
posted by vonbon @ 12:44 pm  |
lundi :: montag :: 月曜日 |
lundi :: montag :: 月曜日 :: monday
week 5 :: style soundtrack of the week
- Dizzee Rascal "Fix Up Look Sharp"
- Gwen Stefani "Harajuku Girls"
- Konichiwa Bitches "Robyn"
this week i will: - start to establish my own personal style
- wear every outfit i put on with confidence
- dress everyday so i feel really good about myself
exercise to try: get energised start your day with a healthy mix of wholemeal grains, fruit and yoghurt, snack on fruit, muesli bars and nuts and eat a balanced dinner of vegetables, fish, chicken or red meat. monday be tough and ditch anything from your wardrobe that isn't likely to see the light of day anytime soon. if you haven't looked for it in a year, it's gotta go. think of it this way, it frees up valuable wardrobe real estate for more new purchases!
maaann... this is starting to get weird and corny... very girl magazine-like... seriously thinking about quitting now... mmm... quitting... :P |
posted by vonbon @ 11:49 am  |
lebendig sein |
lebendig sein :: to be spirited
vim \VIM\, noun: Power; force; energy; spirit; activity; vigor. |
posted by vonbon @ 11:46 am  |
Sunday, January 01, 2006 |
fondre |
fondre :: to melt (like the snow)
aaaaaargh!!! i'm melting! MELTING!!! what a world, what a world! :P like the wicked witch of the west.
it is soooo hot, it's not funny. you should see the temperature graph. was 19.9 degrees at 6 this morning. so should have waken up earlier :P. by the time the service started, it was 30-something. aaaaaaaaaahhhh... |
posted by vonbon @ 8:55 pm  |
donner |
donner :: to give
Hogmanay \hog-muh-NAY; HOG-muh-nay\, noun: The name, in Scotland, for New Year's Eve, on which children go about singing and asking for gifts; also, a gift, cake, or treat given on New Year's Eve. |
posted by vonbon @ 1:54 pm  |
bezahlen |
bezahlen :: to pay
perquisite \PUR-kwuh-zit\, noun: 1. A profit or benefit in addition to a salary or wages. 2. Broadly: The benefits of a position or office. 3. A gratuity or tip for services performed. 4. Anything to which someone has or claims the sole right. |
posted by vonbon @ 1:53 pm  |
distinguer |
distinguer :: to differentiate (urgh... calculus...) quiddity \KWID-ih-tee\, noun: 1. The essence, nature, or distinctive peculiarity of a thing. 2. A hairsplitting distinction; a trifling point; a quibble. 3. An eccentricity; an odd feature. |
posted by vonbon @ 1:49 pm  |
dimanche :: sonntag :: 日曜日 |
dimanche :: sonntag :: 日曜日 :: sunday
sunday make yourself more attractive on the inside. that means you're not allowed to look in the mirror all day. hey, at least we didn't make you do this one on a saturday! i'd really prefer if this was a saturday. i mean, who saw me yesterday? my 'rents, dot, dan, nay, aunty anndey, mark, gerry, james, uncle frank, auntie wendy, lynn, uncle jason, aunty dore chee... the hermit crabs... a few more people, but not really that many compared with the entire church, especially since it was combined today. and i was backup singing. no way. although, i only looked twice: doing my hair, and putting on moisturiser. i'll do it tomorrow. besides, i have a good excuse. dot said i lost it, but it was really in her room, so i didn't know where it was, hence i didn't know what i was supposed to do. mmhmm. yep. HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone! yay! new year's on a sunday. which is good cos i got to see everyone. see being the keyword, cos dot dragged me home almost immediately after church. i hate how my family has a habit of doing that. von spent the night at nay's, she must not need to talk to people, oh no... especially not give people who weren't there last sunday their christmas cookies. don't worry, tim... i'm baking a new batch so you get fresh cookies. yay? ahaha... highlight of today's message: uncle ken singing in english to what pastor ricky was singing in cantonese... kinda worried after today's message... what if God doesn't want me to change chapel services? what if He wants them to be boring? or worse still, what if no one but me thinks they're boring? *mildly freaks out* friday night: nate *in english accent* "peter! peter!" "what is it, lucy?" ... ok... this doesn't sound funny. trust me, it was funnier if you were there. |
posted by vonbon @ 1:11 pm  |
samedi :: samstag :: 土曜日 |
samedi :: samstag :: 土曜日 :: saturday
saturday after all that saintly behaviour towards others it's time for some self-love. spend two hours of the day by yourself with your mobile switched off. watch your favourite movie, listen to your favourite tunes, go for a swim, paint a picture - whatever floats your boat! if you have a friend who's into the same things, let them join you, so long as you let yourself submit to those happy endorphins! um... happy endorphins. yes. saturday. i sang. that's kinda happy. maybe? what else did i do? i looked at my flashcards for the first time in the holidays with an extremely guilty feeling. *insert official apology to my teachers here* went over to nay's house. ate pringles and one of her yummy choc drops (mmm... chocolate. but that was this morning) and nutrigrain for breakfast. i dunno. i feel happy when i'm baking stuff for people (i.e. christmas cookies) but it's too hot to do any baking anytime soon. so i'll wait til it cools down. it's supposed to do so on monday (yay!). we should have a chick flick night. just for the heck of it. black and white movies, romantic comedies, etc. lynn wants to watch "singing in the rain". and i wanna see what everyone thinks is so good about "phantom of the opera". just a reminder :P |
posted by vonbon @ 1:03 pm  |
vendredi :: freitag :: 金曜日 |
vendredi :: freitag :: 金曜日 :: friday
friday by now your soul should be feeling quite cleansed. you've spent less time thinking about yourself, you've even thought about those outside your own circle of friends. heck, come to that you've even spread the love to those you didn't like, but now it's time to think even bigger and do your bit for the planet. go green today and reuse, recycle and rethink your habits.
they're saying to look at your bad habits... right? or are they telling me to recycle, cos i do that. *confused* anyway... bad habits:
- saying "crap" a lot (i don't say anything else... it's just an automatic response. it's like "oh no!", except one syllable :P)
- not thinking a lot of responses through: going with instincts and intuition, especially when i think someone's patronising me. then i get all defensive and snobby. that's the only time i do that though!
- spending a lot of time on the internet
- worrying (yeah, yeah, yeah... i know!)
- dawdling (when i'm not particularly excited about something i tend to keep putting it off)
- being a perfectionist: not as bad as ling (yet), but still, just ask dot how long it takes me to do my nails. the "perfect" nails that you see are the product of many re-doings.
- i don't forget really easily. which is a good thing and also a bad thing. if you do something for me, i won't tend to forget it anytime soon (and most of the time, feel like i owe you), but on the other hand, if you somehow get into my bad books, i takes a long time (and a lot of effort) for me to get you out of there.
man... i have a lot of bad habits... and i probably have more, i just can't think of them at the moment. |
posted by vonbon @ 12:52 pm  |
:: love :: | Blogger Templates by Gecko & Fly.
No part of the content or the blog may be reproduced without permission.
Yvonne a.k.a. Von, Mum, Che [姐](Dot), Dada[大大] (Dan), Vonnie, Yv (Ling), Vonnles (which is how Trudy spells it), Vonnals (which is how Jasmine spells it), Von Bon (Ann), Bon Bon (my grandma), Mommy (Nick, who is not very subtle with his hinting), ィヴォン, ボンボンちゃん
O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, in your name I will lift up my hands
:: brown hair :: brown eyes :: asian skin :: asian eyes :: asian glasses :: short :: short :: short :: shy :: paranoid :: noisy :: bouncy when i want to be :: gullible :: procrastinator :: perfectionist :: maker-of-dodgy-cookies :: writer-of-dodgy-songs :: dodgy-singer-of-good-songs :: eater-of-almost-everything :: reader-of-almost-everything :: writer-of-almost-nothing :: daughter :: big sister :: little sister :: mum :: friend :: doll ::
le futur |
:: saturday the 11th ::
:: sunday the 12th ::
joyce's birthday
11.30am.joyce's birthday lunch
3pm.lulu's choir recital
:: monday the 13th ::
:: wednesday the 15th ::
6pm.work meeting
:: thursday the 16th ::
linguistics transcription assignment due.
:: friday the 17th ::
french writing exercice #2 due.
international ball.
40h famine.
:: saturday the 18th ::
40h famine.
| |
les langues |
la lecture |
bavarder |
les copains |
je vous promis |
- Spend a considerable amount of time with God every day
- No swearing
- Exercise at least 3 times a week
- Von-time for reflection every month -- analyse how I react to things and people, how close I'm getting to people, etc.
- No lying
- Be more joyful and caring
- Be less selfish
- Be more subtle
- Be more conscientious with money
- Get a job
- Keep said job
- Keep in touch with grammar girls
- Join a gym
- Speak Canto with Lynn
- Speak French with Nay
- Don't lose my languages
- Save up money to visit Rach in America
- Keep up piano
- Spend less time on the internet
- Coffee with Meera and Lynn once a month if Meera's in Canberra
- Looooong walks with Lynn
- Be sensible -- set boundaries and don’t break them
- Be a better daughter
- Keep in touch with (and visit) Mutsumi
- Start reading again
- Finish Emma and Mansfield Park
- Read a Shakespeare play
- Journal more frequently
- Consider keeping a written journal
- Don't depend so much on other people
- Make time for Lynn, Meera and Nay
- Keep in touch with Grammar people -- esp. Lulu and Claire
- Weekly/monthly Grammar coffees
l'imparfait |
the ghost of christmas past... |
grâce à ... |
