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tim has requested me to post a "real entry" to my blog, so here it goes... *thinks* mum woke me up, or rather, got me up from my lazy staring at the wall-ness, at 10, cos dad was sending her to work and someone needed to watch dan. so i got up, and there's my little brother with his eyes glued to the tv. then i washed up and had breakfast, and went on the net. about an hour after mum and dad left, daniel realises that they're gone. then he starts the usual "where's mum and dad?" "dad's gone to send mum to work" "but mum said that dad would be right back" *gives me disbelieving look* "dad! daaaaad! daaaadddddyyyyy!!!" dad comes home and we have lunch, and dad decides to take daniel to the pool (again), so i quickly make up my mind whether or not to go to ken li's house. and then we go to woden, deliver mum's lunch to her, and i hop out, wave a cheerful goodbye while trying not to get blown away by the wind, and proceed to the library to borrow yet another shakespeare play. go down to the bus stop, miss the bus, wait for the next one, start reading "the surgeon of crowthorne" for english, catch the bus to isaacs, walk to 25 alexander mackie cct, find ALL of them (with the exception of dionne who's reading yet another book) playing some game on the x-box. so for the next 4 hours or so, i sit on the floor or the couch, reading while watching them shoot each other and fanning myself with my fan. tim taught me how to open a fan one-handedly! except i can't open it with a snap like he does. *pouts* ah well. i'll get there. at about 6, we all piled into cars and drove to woden to queue up for the 6.40 showing of "the legend of zorro". it was pretty good. zorro's so much better than robin hood. cos he's spanish. and spanish men dressed in black are so much cooler than english men dressed in green tights. tim... cedric diggory... then i came home and ate. *nods* and discussed our QLD trip with mum and her need to have a house-sitter, and that she prefers my safety over propriety. (in other words, she'd rather have me stay at home alone with a guy, rather than home alone alone) and that was my boring day. i hope this bores you enough not to have you ask for more cos i don't think i can do more... |