For the next 2 days, I'll be on the computer/internet more. Not that I'll have anything interesting to say because I'm driving myself insane cooped up in here all day. Oh well. I hope tonight doesn't turn into an all nighter.
Things to do before Friday morning (therefore, in the next 28 hours. Or so.):
- finish reading all French literature stories & learn them
- plan, write & proofread French lit. essay
- study connectors for French writing test (ok... I have like 48 hours to do this. YAY!)
- proofread and print out Linguistics assignment
- stay sane
- lose weight
Things I want to do when I'm free: - do Lulu's referee report thingo
- go shopping
- talk to Lynn
- demand cuddles
- wash my shoes
- read North and South
- watch North and South
- read all other things on my to-read list
- talk to Vivian again
- email Vivian and Natasha
- dust month-old dust off me and live again
burn French textbooks practise French - reading & listening & speaking if possible- learn Japanese again
- email Frau Schiessl & Mme. Chartres (because I'm a bad neglecting ex-student)
- have coffee with Nay when she's done
- do lunch/afternoon tea/movie night with Dot
- do Koko Black with someone *looks at Dot*
- do baking/catchup day with Lynn and Meera
- catch up on LJ goodness
- read some more
- catch up with people some more
- lose weight/get fit/whatever
3 more days. Just 3 more days. I can do this. *wobbly smile* Why didn't I start this earlier? Oh yeah, because I had more important things to worry about. VON'S GOING TO NTE THIS YEAR! Because Nick Nick (and Joyce and LYNN) were right about Focal Point. Cute kid story to cheer us all up: Dot and I are teaching Daniel yf Uno. We're up to red sevens and add-cut. He'll be trained for next summer at the very latest. Dot: *throws down red 7, dives for nose* Von: *smacks self in nose* Both: *look at Daniel* Dan: WHAT?! Awwwww... So for the rest of the game, one hand's holding his cards and one hand's holding his nose. So he talks like he's got a cold. Dot and Von start laughing again every time he opens his mouth. Gotta love kids. Labels: cute kid story, focal point, focus, french, friends, holidays, life, linguistics, study, uni |